Friday, May 23, 2008

Weight loss when you do not feel like dieting

I've had a slight setback in my free weight loss program in the last few days. I've been feeling a bit headachy and lethargic and when I feel this way, doing any strenuous exercise to shift the fat does not help.

I do not think the headachy feeling was caused by dieting. I drink lots of fluids and eat a healthy diet. It's much more likely to be the stress of having to do a lot of extra computer work.

Either way, I've been sat around not losing any weight instead of doing my power walking and dancing keep fit exercise. But I am a great believer that it is not the right time to push yourself on any weight loss plan when you feel a little unwell.

In fact, trying to diet and exercise when you are feeling rough is more likely to rebound on you. You could end up 'treating yourself' with high calorie foods in an attempt to boost your flagging energy levels. And if you eat too many high calorie foods at this time, you could well end up feeling as if you have sabotaged your whole weight loss program and give up. And that oculd mean piling on the pounds.

Of course you will not really have damaged your slimming plan. You will simply have delayed it for a while. You can always resume the dieting and exercising when you are feeling well again, but so many people think that 'cheating', or even stopping their exercise program for a day or two sounds the death knell to their weight loss plan and that's a shame, because if they stopped to think logically about it, they would realise that the fat can still come off another day.

Having said all that, the way I have always found it best to cope at times like this is to not get stressed that I cannot lose the extra pounds right now. I rest as much as I can and try not to think about sticking rigidly to the weight loss plan and only do keep fit exercises if I really feel like doing them. I know that I will begin losing weight again as soon as I resume, so what's to worry about?

Anyway, I am feeling quite a lot fitter again now, so it's back on my free weight loss program with earnest. I started back today with some walking through the mountains to get some fresh air and exercise. It was a lovely day, so it felt good.

At the moment, I have no further weight loss to report, but I haven't put on any weight either, so that's okay.

And I'm back on plan now and will be reporting my next weight loss in the next few days. So I know the program is still working and that can't be bad.

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